But all SERIOUSNESS aside, I was left to report on an event I knew very little about so I did some 'research' and 2 minutes before the comp plonked down in the snow next to a bunch of boarders to pick their brains about what the hell a sitchback 9 was? After a crash course in freeride and slopestyle moves I was starting to question my sources... 'was there really a move called the truck driver? And was I prepared to say that on national and cable TV and try and sound convincing?'.
My answer came (as a big fat no), when I was told one of the riders just pulled off a 'PHat Kanga-Wallaby something,
something'. Yep, this was never going to work - these guys were clearly having a lend! So I decided to join in and inspired by Roy and HG's 'battered sav' commentary of the Olympic gymnastics I decided to make up my own, so next season look out for the 'Greasy DimSim Reverse 9'!
So two days later and many reports later I am much more informed in the art of slopestyle and freeride and can pick a fake trick name from a mile away. Yep, who said blondes weren't SMRT?!
So there were some pretty cool tricks to come out of the event and a whole heap of drinking to happen afetrwards. I am still recovering - seriously. My other lesson learnt was that if anyone offers you a shot of Glecier Ice, walk... nay run... far, far away preferably in a 'Backside Pluto-pup Tuck' position.
Lots of Love,
Simone x
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