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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Famous Faces from the Slopes

Just a quick one today, but I have had numerous celebrity sightings on the slopes lately which I thought I should share with you. The first is the gorgeous, Sally Stanton from Saturday Disney who I have had the pleasure to work with in the past. Sally is former snow reporter herself and was so lovely in sharing all her best kept secrets about what to expect down here before I, rather hesitantly, packed my bags and headed for the hills in May this year (wow – has it really been that long?!).

Now, yesterday I walked past Andrew O’Keefe of Deal or No Deal fame in the village but my highlight would have to be when Charlie from Hi-5 skied up to me when I was doing a report up at Karel’s to say she always watches my reports before skiing straight off again! By the time I realised who it was she was gone, but I was chuffed nonetheless.

Now I also have to mention spotting Cate Blanchett at Thredboland last week, dropping her kids off before hitting the slopes herself. I just adore Cate and can’t believe how stunning she looked, even with a beanie on and sans make-up. It’s just not fair! Unfortunately, my inner groupie was suppressed long enough to prevent me from running up, gushing about how much I admire her and asking for a photo and makign a right idiot of myself.

So that’s all my celebrity spotting for now. Stay tuned for more stars of the slopes.

Sim x

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