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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Gone fishin'

Who says fishing is just for boys? Not me - at least not after going for a fly fishing casting lesson! My boss thought it would be a good idea to write an article on girls going fishing so - guess who wound up (excuse the pun), ankle deep in womabt crap and sitting on an ants nest on the banks of the Thredbo River. Yep, moi!

But much to my shock and horror, I had a great time. Fly fishing is quite an art and actually requires some skill, unlike normal fishing which requires only patience and a good book in my opinion. Plus, there's a crafty element which is right up my alley and involves making your own flies using animal hair, feathers and whatever materials you dig up from Lincraft. Now this is my kind of sport!

My teacher, the very patient Haig, told me that girls generally make good students because we listen as opposed to boys who just want to cast the bloody thing as far as they can. And well, in no time I was on the village green casting like a pro and the old pitching arm from my softball days came in handy, once again!

Unfortunately, all I caught was a twig. And don't scoff - it was a pretty decent sized twigs as far as twigs go but I threw it back because it's all about catch and release! Wouldn't have tasted too great either!

But seriously, the fishing season doesn't officially open until this weekend so it is illegal to fish in the National Parks before then. So for the next few days I guess it will be back to the village green, practicing my technique. Hmmm... maybe today I might catch a frisbee or a small child?! x

Monday, September 24, 2007

Quarter of a Century and Not Out!

Last Saturday I turned the ripe ol' age of 25! As per usual, it just meant another excuse to go out and party - drinking far too much and dressing like I don't own a mirror!
It just so happened to be Fiona's birthday 3 days later (we are 3 years and 3 days apart) and so we had a combined retro 80s ski wear party since we are both 80s babies, at karaoke. And let's just say that when we arrived the bar it was packed but after just 2 songs, there weren't many people left! Gotta love how you sound like Whitney Houston after 2 drinks - or is that just me? We rocked the casbah, watched in awe as here came the hot stepper and remembered the summer of '69. It was all class, all the time.
We had an absolute blast - which was the main thing. With the gorgeous Helen and Lauren coming up from Sydney just for the party - thanks guys. Hels, you did that bib and brace proud and Loz, no one will ever do justice to those tight, flouro lycra tights like you did! Amen for St Vinnies!
And a special thanks to Fifi, who I know will be reading this because as she confessed, she loves reading about what she gets up to on my blog. The treasure hunt in the morning was gorgeous - thank you fo making my day and night super special.
OK, back to the embarrassing stories. So I have had many flashbacks of what happened that night, ranging from mounting the bar with the microphone to serenade the guy behind the bar (cringe) and running through Thredbo village (fully dressed) saying 'we are all going streaking, to the quad - come with!'. Oh, too funny. Lucky I am leaving this village soon!
Sim x

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Shagwell by name, shag very well by reputation

So my latest batch of incriminating photos come from Monday night when it was the lifties party. It was fancy dress and my old flatmates invited Fiona and I. Scooter went as Austin Powers (he makes a great Austin!) and so I went as Felicity Shagwell just in case you can’t figure it out from the pics – ha! It was cheap and easy – OK.

So Fiona, at the 11th hour decided to go as cat woman much to Luke’s horror who had hoped she would tramp it up and be his Bond girl. But I think she looked puuurrr-fect if trampy enough in her fire engine red lipstick!

So people went to a lot of effort for the party, one guy going as Borat in the green man-kini. He pulled it off well, we thought at first. But on closer inspection at the bar he had a very pimpley bum! ‘You - not so good!’

It was a sit down dinner but well, Fi and I managed to get food poisoning. And no, it wasn’t alcohol induced! We only had a few drinks as we were still recovering from our HUGE Saturday night two days before.
And I know I seem to always say what a huge night I had, but they seem to, somehow, be getting bigger and bigger as the season comes to a close. Thank goodness there is only 2 weeks left – I don’t think I can take anymore partying.
I never thought I would say that!
Sim x

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Over & Out - but not without drama!

I just completed my last TV report for the season which will air on Sports Tonight, tonight. There is now on 2 weeks left of the ski season, with everything wrapping on the October long weekend! Time has absolutely flown by!

Anyway (before I get all teary), in typical Simone style even my last TV report was full of drama! Our tripod carrier/camera assistant called in sick today so they got one of the ski instructors to fill in, since there seems to be alot of them and not many punters today. So out of the hoardes of instructors, who did they get? The Italian stallion I was 'kind of seeing' who got angry at me last weekend and we had a fight and I walked off and had a great night (i.e. read between the lines... met someone else). So anyway, I hadn't spoken to him since then and today he has to stand next to me and watch my report, throw snowballs at me for the report and be on panda eye alert (why didn't I wear waterproof mascara today?). Typical! It was awkward beyond belief!

Attached is a gorgeous pic our resort photographer got ealrier this week. It's a stunner and I had to share it with you.

So, I guess for the last time... "This is Simone Smith with the latest snow report."

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The past can be haunting...

It's been one of those weeks where the past has been catching up with me!
It all started when, on facebook - the website I love and hate simultaneously yet can't seem to get off - I recieved an e-mail from 'The X'. It had been a blissful two-years and well, it was a shock to say the least to see his picture and name pop up in my inbox.
And then today, I recieved a message from a friend saying: Oh man, oh man Sim. Go to . Which of course I then did, only to see that picture of me with my blow up kangaroo taken by a photographer when I was in Germany at the World Cup last year flash on screen next to a story on the 'Aussie Cultural Cringe - Loud and Proud!' Wow - I am now the unofficial poster girl for cultural cringeing the world over.
That damn photo has haunted me for a year now, running four times (that I know of), in The Times, the London paper twice and once in the SMH and now this. Actually, one of them is quite a funny story.... I had just started work at the Arts Council England when I was working in London, 3 weeks after returning from Germany. My first job on day one was to go through the paper and cut out cultural clippings. So pretending I was a civilized, arts-savvy Aussie (trying to shake all convict stereotypes the poms like to mutter at us whilst looking down their nose), I opened the newspaper to see this same picture staring back at me! I screamed and of course my new employer asked if I was OK and despite my efforts to prevent her from coming over and assuring her it was nothing, she came over to see what was wrong and she couldn't help but laugh at the pic of me with the blow up roo - musttering as she looked down her nose at me! Damn it!
Then, since things always happen in threes, I went to work drinks last week and ran into a guy up at the bar who I had snogged when I was 17. It was very random to bump into him 8 years later and when i got back to the table I relayed this story back to the people at my table, not realising that he was actually part of the table - dating the girl sitting one chair up from me! It was a big table, OK!!! When will I learn to keep my mouth shut?
So, hopefully all of my skeletons are out of the closet for now - I don't think I can handle anymore surprises, just yet.
Lots of love,
Sim x

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Home Sweet Home

I am sure everyone will agree with me that moving house sucks - well, I have now done it twice in one week. Well, I did it once and then poor Fiona and Marty had to pack up all my stuff and do it the second time when i was back in Sydney! If you are reading this owe you guys, BIG TIME!
Now, the first move was from Royal Bogong Number 4, out of the room I had shared with the snoronator for 3 months into a room nextdoor with Fiona. My first night I had a wonderful, sound sleep but the second night we had a visitor who entered the room when we where dead to the world and let's just say, he made himself at home! This was one of the other flatmates who was, well, completely out of it! As this was the second time this had apparently happened to poor Fi, it was now time to get out of this place.
So now I am happy to announce Fiona and I have our very own, one bedroom place which is completely free of snoring and pant dropping flatmates!
Last night we cooked dinner in our CLEAN kitchen and even made dessert - it was bliss. Unfortunately, the eggplant we were using was off so we found other things to do with it!
Sim x

Monday, September 10, 2007


OK, so I have hit an all time low. After an awesome, relaxing weekend in Sydney seeing the family and my gorgeous friends I headed back to the hills fully recharged. So what did I do - I had an all nighter - going straight to work at 5.30am without having a single zzzzzz. OK, so i think I actually passed out for 10minutes before my alarm went off.

You see, it was the final of the Australian Freeride Series and the comp was at night, under the big lights with the hip hop act The Herd playing on the slopes straight afterwards. They were awesome and we had a great night. Then it was straight to The Keller night club for far too many drinks (yep, it was a liquid dinner). As you can see from the pics, it all got a bit loose in no time at all. As for the headband - don't even ask.

It was an incredibly fun night though - with the whole village out celebrating and with not long to go until the end of the season, everyone was out in force to end the season in style - or lack of style for some!
So the next day, as I sat in the office all alone pumping out radio and written reports I was feeling very sorry for myself. Very, very sorry for myself. I then proceeded to have 3 peices of cold pizza for breakfast, a breakfast burger at about 9am and then a kebab for lunch. Yes, my head was hung in shame all day. Oh, and did I mention potato gems at 4am!? My stomach is churning just thinking about all of this.

Needless to say, I slept soundly for 16 hours that night! And it's off to the gym tonight to try and redeem myself and get my body back on my side again.

Lots of Love,
Sim x

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Total Eclipse of the Heart

I am slightly slow in getting this entry up, but last week we had a lunar eclipse. This photo doesn't really do it justice because the moon actually was a peach/pink colour for most of the eclipse and it was just beautiful but it gives you an idea nontheless.

I love looking at the moon at the best of times, but this was simply wonderful to witness. And what was even nicer, was seeing everyone brave the cold and stand outside in groups with drinks in hand, watching the eclipse. It was very cool.

So, I am terribly excited to be flying home to Sydney tonight. I haven't been home (or further away from here than Cooma) , for the last three-and-half months and am seriously craving some big city action. Of course, I am flying back for the APEC weekend chaos which is just typical and is foiling my plans of a dose of city night life on Friday night. But I am sure it will be great still and I can't wait to see my gorgeous puppy, my family and my friends (in no particular order - ha!).

But on the APEC note, check out the latest in the series of advertisements for here. It is very timely and very funny. It's good to know I am not the only one enjoying the slopes at the moment! Check it out and you will see what I mean...

Lost of Love,
Sim x

Monday, September 3, 2007

My Best Blue Steele

So, I have only just stopped (somewhat embarrassedly) laughing after my last achievement award on the snow. So this blog is to help my bruised ego and tell you about my first official - modelling assignment.

I have attached a few pics of Fiona and our friend Gianluca (a ski instructor from Italy) doing our very best to drink cocktails and eat meals as naturally as possible without wondering where on earth these pics may turn up and haunt me down the track, and do I have a double chin from that angle. And might I add, the food was stone cold and the drinks, non-alcoholic. What tight-ass'!

So I guess if all else fails in my ski racing career, I can become a Big W catalogue model, well maybe! Gosh, the things Fiona and I will do for a free meal.

Look out for us in a ski resort catalogue direct to you next season.

Sim x

Saturday, September 1, 2007

I WON... well kind of!

Oh, I am still laughing and it's three days later but I actually won at the staff ski race I wrote about in my last blog. Well, when I say won I don't mean the event, nor my age group (as originally thought!), no, no I won the... wait for it... encouragement award!

In other words, nice try but man you sucked! I checked my time and I turned out to be in the middle of the field but I think the fact that on the day I stood at the top of the course freaking out, asking everyone around me what I am meant to do and how am i meant to do it may have assisted in the award - I was clearly a first timer! Although, I reckon the red headband saying 'feelin it' and the hot pink one piece ski suit didn't hurt either.

But wait, it gets better. Do you know what I actually won? A day's ski hire so I can actually learn to ski properly. Oh, I have never laughed so hard in my laugh. This is one award going striaght to the pool room.

I always thought I was special, but not in the 'special friend' way! Oh well, there's always next year.


'Slow and Steady Smith' xx