In other words, nice try but man you sucked! I checked my time and I turned out to be in the middle of the field but I think the fact that on the day I stood at the top of the course freaking out, asking everyone around me what I am meant to do and how am i meant to do it may have assisted in the award - I was clearly a first timer! Although, I reckon the red headband saying 'feelin it' and the hot pink one piece ski suit didn't hurt either.
But wait, it gets better. Do you know what I actually won? A day's ski hire so I can actually learn to ski properly. Oh, I have never laughed so hard in my laugh. This is one award going striaght to the pool room.
I always thought I was special, but not in the 'special friend' way! Oh well, there's always next year.
'Slow and Steady Smith' xx
Congrat's Sim! That's your first award since 'everyone gets a trophy day'!
does that mean you are still a spaz skiier?!! Here we were all thinking you'd be speeding down the slopes of Verbier next time, leaving us in the dust. You'll definitely have to work on that darling!
Ummmm, yeah. I am definitely the winner of the most improved but you have nothing to fear just yet - I won't be leaving you all in my wake on the slopes! Some of us just aren't made for life on two skis. Ha ha xxxx
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