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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Reliving the World Cup – Germany 2006

True to her word, the darling Michelle posted the pics of our beloved blow up Roo who fearlessly followed us around Munich for our World Cup antics (R.I.P.), on facebook following the recent spotting of my roo’s relative on the slopes here in Thredbo the other day. So, I thought I should share these with you because he was one of the best travel companions I have had, he didn’t whinge once and was always pumped for a good time (OK, lame joke alert!).

This Roo knew how to have a good time, and sure he may have drunk too much at the Australia vs. Brazil game but he bounced back (lame joke two, one more and I will quit writing altogether, I promise). And then he was there with a broom, ready to right his wrongs. But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and he became more than a little deflated when Australia didn’t make it past those nasty, cheating Italians (OK – I am out).

So rest in peace Roo – Shell, Ray and I will never forget you.
Sim xxx

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