Since my last entry on fashion on the slopes I have been reminded of a fabulous phenomenon that has been sweeping Europe before even the St Bernard's took to the slopes with their barrell of life saving rum around their necks - touch the one piece.
A one piece is the hideous attire on the slope which passes on anyone under 10 but anyone else should be shot or at least forced to stare in a full length mirror to endure what everyone else must - every bulge and roll on their body one dsiplay to the world. Let's just say it is not pretty unless you have the figure of a Greek goddess.
One pieces were rife in the 80s (yes, yet another hideous fashion item from the 80s) and for this very reason are often fluoro coloured. The other day I spotted some poor 10+ year old wearing a fluoro orange jumpsuited one piece - when she sees these pictures at her 21st she will hate her mother!
Sorry I got a little side-tracked in my hatred for the one piece - back to the game. Touch the one piece is as it sounds, you must try and touch a one piece worn by someone without them knowing. You get one point for each stealth touch or two if you have enough guts to tell the person, therefore pointing out how hideously out of date their attire is! I first played this game in Switzerland and it was a lot of fun. At the end of our week I think I got five touches, mostly scored during drunken apres ski sessions.
I have now passed this wonderful tradition on to my work colleagues here and we have started the tally. We will be here for another four months so you can only hope we will be in double, if not triple figures. Stay tuned for the results at the end of the season we I endeavour to 'touch the one piece'.
So let that be a warning to those of you considering to dust of the olds one piece to wear on the slopes - I will be lurking behind you ready to score some points!
Simone x
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