The après ski venue is your call and the type of schnapps is completely up to your taste buds but the way you knock it back is non-optional. There’s only one way to shot it in the mountains - the little finger must hold the base of the shot glass and the thumb must rest on the rim.
I have done my research and legend has it that once upon a time, schnapps was drunk out of a ceramic shot-glass and passed around. By holding the shot glass in this way your lips don’t actually touch the glass therefore making it a much more hygienic communal drinking exercise. Ahmen for that.
So what makes schnapps the drink of choice on the slopes? You can’t grow grapes on the mountains due to the cold climate and altitude but you can grow fruit for schnapps. Simple as that.
Now there’s also one more rule before knocking back a shot, you must lock eyes with the people you cheers with otherwise, rumour has it, you’ll have bad luck. I was told it was because you will have bad sex for the rest of your life but this has since been ridiculed when I (rather sheepishly) asked around. So drinking schnapps might seem like a lot to remember but you can’t fight tradition… bottoms up!
Sim x
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