I am hoping that I will be able to look back on this blog one day and say to myself 'ah, I remember that' and that along the way to being able to say that, I hope to keep a few of you entertained with 'what not to do' rather than 'what to do' when traveling. Someone has to learn from my mistakes!
So I am going to treat this first posting as a type of NY resolutions list for a first time blogger. Here goes...
1. I hope to make regular entries
2. I hope not to bore anyone being polite enough to read this
3. I hope to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth (embarrassing as few people as possible)
4. I hope to never look back and cringe (a possible reconsideration of point 3 required)
5. I hope to post as many pictures as possible to keep this site interesting
6. I hope to provide as much travel information and links to other potentially more informative and interesting blogs as possible, without ruling out point 2
7. I hope to stop starting sentences with I hope
Let's see what happens.
In the meantime, I look forward to continue bonding with my backpack who I have lugged through Europe and Africa in the past 12 months. Bertha has served me well, so far.
At the end of this month I will be loading up Bertha to tackle Thredbo over the 2007 ski season. Let's see how she (OK, I really mean me) handles the cold.
Stay tuned for more from me, 'I hope'.
Simone x
1 comment:
Welcome to the blogging world (god could I possibly sound more geeky). Thanks for doing this- on mine you will find a brand spanking new link directly to you, so I hope you don't get any of the nutters that i get ! :) This will be an excellent way for all of us in London to keep tabs on you. MIss you xxxx
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